St. Mark’s Catholic Church Waitsburg, Washington.

Directions from or near Spokane, Washington.
Starting out on I-90 West / US-2 W or US-395 S.
Merge onto US-95 S by EXIT 279 to Colfax / Pullman.
Take a RIGHT onto West Walla Walla Hwy / WA-26
Turn LEFT onto WA-127 (WA-127 will become US-12)
Follow to Preston Ave / WA-124
Turn LEFT onto Main Street in Waitsburg
Turn RIGHT onto West 5th Street
St. Mark's Catholic Church will be on the LEFT side of W 5th Street.
Estimated time: 2 hours and 25 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 135 miles.

Directions from or near Walla Walla, Washington.
Starting out on US-12 East, in Walla Walla, Washington
Once in Waitsburg turn LEFT onto East 7th Street
Turn RIGHT onto Main Street
Turn LEFT onto West 5th Street
St. Mark's Catholic Church will be on the LEFT side of West 5th Street.
Estimated time: 27 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 22 miles.

Directions from or near Pasco, Washington.
Starting out on US-12 East to Spokane / Walla Walla.
Turn LEFT onto WA-124
Turn RIGHT onto West Street
Turn RIGHT onto West 4th Street
Turn LEFT onto Arnold Lane
Turn LEFT onto West 5th Street
St. Mark's Catholic Church will be on the RIGHT side of West 5th Street.
Estimated time: 55 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 51 miles