St. Joseph's Catholic Church Dayton, Washington.

Directions from or near Spokane, Washington.
Starting out on I-90 West / US-2 W or US-395 S.
Merge onto US-95 S by EXIT 279 to Colfax / Pullman.
Take a RIGHT onto West Walla Walla Hwy / WA-26
Turn LEFT onto WA-127 (WA-127 will become US-12)
Turn LEFT onto S 1st St. (Main street and 1st St Dayton, Washington)
St. Joseph's Catholic Church will be on the RIGHT side of 1st street.
Estimated time: 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 126 miles.

Directions from or near Walla Walla, Washington.
Starting out on US-12 East, in Walla Walla, Washington
In Waitsburg, Washington, turn RIGHT onto US-12 East
(US-12 becomes Main Street in Dayton)
Turn RIGHT onto South 1st Street, from Main Street.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church will be on the RIGHT side of 1st street.
Estimated time: 40 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 31 miles.

Directions from or near Pasco, Washington.
Starting out on US-12 East to Spokane / Walla Walla.
Turn LEFT onto WA-124
Turn RIGHT onto Main Street / WA-124
Turn LEFT onto Preston Avenue / WA-124
Preston Avenue becomes US-12
Follow US-12 (US-12 becomes Main Street in Dayton, Washington)
(US-12 becomes Main Street in Dayton)
Turn RIGHT onto South 1st Street, from Main Street.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church will be on the RIGHT side of 1st street.
Estimated time: 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Estimated Milage: 60 miles.